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93.9% of companies “actively hire people with disabilities if they are suitable for the job”

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The actual employment rate of people with disabilities is about half of the employment rate of the total population.

34% of companies said that the most common reason for hiring people with disabilities is compliance with the Mandatory Employment Act for Persons with Disabilities (75.8%).

If competencies are verified through job training, 93.9% of companies will actively hire people with disabilities.

  As diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has emerged as an essential element for corporate sustainability around the world, interest in hiring people with disabilities is also increasing. However, due to a number of practical issues, it is difficult for companies to hire people with disabilities.

  In fact, according to the ‘Survey on Economic Activities of Persons with Disabilities in the Second Half of 2023’ by the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the employment rate of people with disabilities was 34 percent, which is about half of the total population employment rate of 63.3 percent during the same period. So, why did the companies that actually employ people with disabilities hire them, and what kind of jobs do they employ? And what are the most important factors to look for when hiring?

  In order to answer these questions, HR tech company WantedLab surveyed 100 companies from the 9th to the 21st of last month on ‘Companies’ Perception of Mandatory Employment of Persons with Disabilities and Actual Employment Status’.

  As a result of the survey, 34% of all respondents were found to be companies that employ people with disabilities. This is the same figure as the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities survey on the employment rate of people with disabilities. When asked about the main reason for hiring, 75.8 percent of the respondents said that they “comply with the Mandatory Employment Act for Persons with Disabilities,” and 24.2 percent said that it was because they were suitable for the job regardless of their disability.


  When job competencies are verified through job training courses, 93.9 percent of companies said they are willing to actively hire people with disabilities. This can be interpreted as a positive assessment that many companies can improve the work skills of employees with disabilities through training.

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*Please note this is a Korean article

Source: Case News (